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Autodesk maya 2016 pdf free download

Because you created a bevel operation on the cube, Maya has created a new node connected to the cube. This time, however, you need the pivot point to be at the center of Earth and not at the center of the Sun object, where it is currently. The truth is that a kind of volumetric clouds is already available in Blender for a long time, thanks to the 3D More information. Click Apply to create the plane and keep the option box open. Finally, the number of frames played back per second determines the frame rate of the animation. Saif Ali. Without a good number.❿
Download Introducing Autodesk Maya free PDF by Dariush Derakhshani – replace.me. Autodesk maya 2016 pdf free download
Search icon An illustration of a magnifying glass. User icon An illustration of a person’s head and chest. Sign up Log in. Web icon An illustration of a computer application window Wayback Machine Texts icon An illustration of an open book. The clickable scroll wheel found on most mice can be used as the third button by pressing down to click with the wheel. Hold down the Alt key, press and hold the RMB, and drag the mouse.
To orbit, hold down the Alt key and the LMB. Hold down the Alt and Ctrl keys while using the LMB to outline a window in the panel to execute this bounding box dolly.
This action is commonly referred to as a window zoom in other applications. The ViewCube, when enabled, lets you easily change your current panel view. By clicking an area of the ViewCube shown here , you can switch to other views inside that panel. Clicking the center square gives you the perspective view. In Maya, you press and hold the Alt key on a PC or the Option key on a Mac along with the appropriate mouse button to move in the view panel.
The left mouse button LMB acts as the primary selection button and allows you to orbit around objects when used with the Alt key. The right mouse button RMB activates numerous shortcut menus and lets you zoom when used with the Alt key. Making Selections Selecting objects in a view panel is as easy as clicking them. As you select an object, its attributes appear in the Attribute Editor or Channel Box on the right.
To select multiple objects, simply hold the Shift key as you click objects to add to your current selection. To clear all of your current selections, click anywhere in the empty areas of the view panel. You use these manipulators to adjust attributes of the objects visually and in real time. Figure The Maya manipulators To activate a transform tool, select an object and then click one of the transform tool icons in the Tool Box, shown in Figure Press 4 for wireframe mode.
Drag in a view panel anywhere on its grid to create a wireframe sphere and then size it to your liking. If this does not happen and instead a sphere appears in your window, a default setting has previously been changed, which is okay. In one of the view panels, press the 5 key on your keyboard, and the display of the sphere will become solid gray. This is called Shaded mode. Press the 4 key to return to Wireframe mode.
Press 4 to display objects in wireframe mode. With the sphere selected, select the Move tool from the Tool Box. The first manipulator shown earlier in Figure should appear in the middle of the sphere. The three arrows represent the three axes of possible movement for the object. Red is for the X-axis, green is for the Y- axis, and blue is for the Z-axis.
Cyan is for free movement in both axes of the active panel view. Clicking any one of the three arrows lets you move the object only on that particular axis. The square in the middle of the manipulator lets you move the object freely around the plane of the view panel, regardless of the axis.
The three squares represent planar movement in two of the three axes at a time, for example moving on the XY plane or the YZ plane. The three colored circles represent the three axes of rotation for the object—red for X, green for Y, and blue for Z. Select a circle to rotate the object on that axis. The yellow circle surrounding the three axis circles lets you freely rotate the object on all three axes.
Try selecting the Scale tool to see the third manipulator from Figure By selecting one of the axis handles and dragging the mouse, you can scale the object in a nonuniform manner in that axis.
The middle cyan box scales the object uniformly on all three axes. Its icon appears under the Tool Box after you select it from the menu. This tool acts in place of all three manipulators you just tried. Grabbing the familiar arrows translates the sphere.
Selecting any of the curved arrows in the middle of the edges of the manipulator box lets you rotate the sphere in that axis. Finally, selecting and dragging the cyan boxes in the corners of the manipulator box lets you scale the sphere.
If you hold down the Ctrl key as you drag, you can scale the sphere in just one axis. Go ahead and click around the interface some more. Create more primitive objects and tool around a bit. Move around the view panels and see how it feels. Give the tires a good kick.
Project: The Solar System This project will familiarize you with the fundamentals of navigating Maya, object creation, hierarchy, and pivots, all of which are important concepts for scene manipulation and animation within Maya. You will animate a simple simulation of your working solar system, making and adjusting hierarchies for animation and setting keyframes.
Most planets have a number of moons that orbit them, and a few, including Saturn, have large rings that circle them. For this exercise, you will create only two moons for any planet that has more than two moons, like Jupiter. The more you run this exercise, the clearer the scene manipulation and hierarchy structure will become to you.
Art is a marriage of inspiration, hard work, and practice. A file and folder structure keeps your files organized according to projects. You will want to create a new project for this new exercise. The top level of this organization is the project folder.
Within the project folder are numerous file folders that hold your files. When you set your workspace to a project folder or when you create a new project , Maya will know where to look for elements and folders for that project.
The two most important types are the Scenes and Images folders. The Scenes folder stores your scene files, which contain all the information for your scene. When you pick up a disorganized scene, it is time- consuming to figure out exactly how everything works together. They are in a project layout explained in the following text. Copy the scene files on the web page for this project into your own project folders after you create the project.
In the Location box, type the location where you want to store your projects. If you prefer, you can put projects in a folder on a secondary or external hard drive to keep them separate from your operating system; this allows for easier backup and is generally a safer environment. Maya will fill in all the other fields for you with defaults. Click Accept to create the necessary folders in your specified location.
You should make sure to set your project before continuing with your work. Otherwise, the scene may not load properly, or your files may not save to the proper locations for that project. Use Cubes Instead of Spheres Make the planets with cubes instead to make it easier to see them spin. Follow these steps: 1. Maya asks if you want to save your current scene.
By default, the screen should begin in an expanded perspective view. Press the spacebar to enable the four-panel view. To create the Sun, you need to create a primitive sphere. A primitive is a basic 3D shape. Interactive Creation lets you create a primitive by clicking and dragging to specify its size and position. When this option, at the bottom of each of those menus, is unselected or off, the created primitive appears at the origin in 3D space at a uniform scale of 1.
Doing so places a polygon sphere exactly at the origin—that is, at a position of 0,0,0 for X,Y,Z. This is good, because the origin of the workspace will be the center of the solar system, too.
The sphere will be selected, and some of its attributes will show on the right of the UI in the Attribute Editor. Figure Renaming the sphere in the Channel Box Naming your objects right after creation is a good habit to develop and is particularly important if anyone needs to alter your scene file; proper naming will keep them from getting frustrated when they work on your scene.
Always keep in mind that Maya is case sensitive. An object named sun is different from an object named Sun. Choose the Scale tool in the Tool Box to activate the Scale manipulator, and uniformly scale the Sun sphere up to about four times its creation scale of 1. Make it a scale of about 4 in all three axes. For more precision, you can select the sphere and enter a value of 4 in all three entry fields the white window next to the attribute for the Scale X, Scale Y, and Scale Z channels in the Channel Box shown in Figure After you enter the final value, press Enter, and the sphere will grow to be four times its original size.
Leave Interactive Creation off, and follow these steps: 1. A new sphere appears at the origin. Click its name in the Channel Box and change it to Mercury. Choose the Move tool from the Tool Box to activate the Move manipulator and move Mercury a few grid units away from the Sun sphere in the positive X direction. Click the red arrow and drag it to the right. Leave about 2 grid units between the Mercury sphere and the Sun sphere. Repeat steps 1 through 3 to create the rest of the planets and line them up, placing each one farther out along the X-axis with about two grid units of space between them.
Scale each planet sphere proportionally as shown in the chart on the right. Planet Sphere Sizes Venus 0. Figure shows how your solar system should look now. Figure All the spheres are lined up in place. Poor Pluto! Using Snaps Now is the perfect time to start using snaps. Table shows some common snap icons. These icons run across the top of the UI just below the main menu bar, as shown here.
Select the first planet, Mercury. The center of the Move manipulator changes from a square to a circle, signaling that some form of snapping is active. Grab the manipulator in the middle by this circle and move it slightly to the left or right to snap it onto the closest grid intersection on the X-axis.
Select the remaining planets and snap them all to the closest grid intersection on the X-axis, making sure to keep about two grid spaces between them. To do so, follow these steps: 1. Press the spacebar in the top view to maximize it. Use the Move tool to snap the ring to the same grid intersection as Saturn. This ensures that both the planet and its ring are on the same pivot point and share the same center.
While the torus shape is still selected in the top view, press the spacebar to display the four-panel layout. Place the mouse cursor in the persp view and press the spacebar to maximize the Perspective window.
Press the F key to focus the perspective display on the ring and on Saturn. Pressing F centers and zooms in the panel on just the selected objects. Press 5 to get into Shaded mode.
You need to edit the attributes of the ring to increase the inside radius of the donut shape and create a gap between the planet and the ring.
Figure Changing the creation attributes of the polygon torus in the Attribute Editor 7. Increase the Radius attribute to about 1. Now all your planets are complete, and you can move on to the moons. Saving Your Work Save your work, unless you like to live on the edge. Power failures and other unforeseen circumstances such as your pet jumping onto your keyboard may not happen often, but they do happen.
Because you created this as a new project, the Save File window will direct you to the Scenes folder of that project. Save your scene as planets in the. The scene files for the projects in this book use a slightly different naming system than the names generated by Incremental Save, so there is no risk of files overwriting each other. The AutoSave feature automatically saves your file at a set interval of time.
You can enable AutoSave as well as set its time interval and save location under the AutoSave heading. Creating the Moons For the planets with moons, create a new polygon sphere for each moon.
Use the top view to follow these steps: 1. Create a polygon sphere and scale it to about half the size of Earth using the Scale tool. Visually estimate the size of the moon. Move the sphere to within half a unit of Earth, using the Move tool by the X-axis. Name the moon earthMoon. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the remaining moons, placing them each within half a grid unit from their respective planets. When placing two moons, place them on opposite sides of the planet.
Make sure to name your moons. Shaders, in short, are materials that give an object its particular look, whether it is color or a tactile texture. With this window, you create the look of your objects by assigning colors, surface properties, and so on. Hypershade Window Layout The Hypershade is customizable, so your initial Hypershade window layout may not exactly match the ones shown in this book. For example, in Figure which should match the initial view you see when you launch Maya for the first time , you can see there is a section called Bins immediately above the Create panel as well as a section called Material Viewer showing a thumbnail image of a sphere shape in the upper right corner of the Hypershade.
This window will be explained further in Chapter 3. Figure The Hypershade window 2. A new node called lambert2 appears in the top-left panel called the Browser. This is where the Hypershade lists all the materials in the scene. In the top-right panel, called the Material Viewer, the Hypershade shows a rendered preview of the selected material.
Click the Lambert icon in the Create panel eight more times to create a total of nine new Lambert shading groups lambert2 through lambert To change the color of the shader, click the gray box next to the Color attribute. This opens the Color Chooser window, where you can choose a new color by using the color wheel or by adjusting values with the HSV sliders.
Go with an orange color, such as in Figure take note of the HSV values, and see that Color Management is checked, otherwise your HSV values will differ from those shown in the figure. Figure The Color Chooser window 3. Marking menus are a fast UI workflow to allow you to select commands and options as you work in your panels without having to access the main menu bar. Figure The Hypershade window with all the colored planet materials 5.
Still holding the right mouse button, drag up to highlight Assign Material To Selection and release the button to select it. You can also use the middle mouse button to drag the material from the Hypershade window to its planet. Leave the moons set to the default gray color. This exercise focuses on hierarchy and pivot points. Now, you need to set up the animation settings for your scene file: 1.
Press F4 to open the Animation menu set, or select it from the drop-down menu shown earlier in the chapter. Menu sets are groupings of menu headings in the main menu bar. Figure The Time and Range sliders 3. To the right of the Range slider, click the Animation Preferences icon , click Settings Figure , and make sure Time is set to Film 24fps. Figure Set Time to 24fps on the Settings tab of the Preferences window. To close the Preferences window, click Save.
Select Mercury, and press E to activate the Rotate tool. The E key is the hotkey to invoke the Rotate tool in Maya. Reviews for Mastering Autodesk Maya What did you think? Rate as 1 out of 5, 1 stars. Rate as 2 out of 5, 2 stars. Rate as 3 out of 5, 3 stars. Rate as 4 out of 5, 4 stars. The first thing that you will ask may be what kinds of publication that you should read. If you want to try look for book, may be the book untitled Mastering Autodesk Maya Autodesk Official Press can be fine book to read.
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Web and Digital Communications Pathway Information Technology Cluster 3D Animator This major prepares students to utilize animation skills to develop products for the Web, mobile devices, computer games,. Contents 1. General Product. Android is world s leading mobile operating system Google: Owns Android, maintains it, extends. Graphic Designer Front-End Web Developer 3D Modeler Animator Compositor I have a strong background in computer graphics, art design, and video production, plus I have more than 20 years of experience in.
What can you do with an Animation Degree? Product Commercials What can you do with an. Understand what your income and expenses are.
Some of the options that may appear on the exam paper are as follows:. If so, it s not surprising. You live in a culture where people watch. I have been working on animations since a young age. Beginning Spring Boot 2 Pages English. Art is not a product arrived at through following directions, copying, or conforming to a given model. Art is. At Ex pression College, we produce more than just college graduates. We hone the next generation of filmmakers, animators, game designers, music producers, graphic designers, and sound artists.
Our graduates. In an industry where clients demand ever more beautiful. Have students find the movie listing’s page and study the movies that are presently being shown at theatres.
In order to. Use video grow your dental practice Welcome. A transformation is involved, what were still, now moves. Animation is that stimulus to the mental, physical, and. Web and Digital Communications Pathway Information Technology Cluster 3D Animator This major prepares students to utilize animation skills to develop products for the Web, mobile devices, computer games,. Contents 1. General Product. Android is world s leading mobile operating system Google: Owns Android, maintains it, extends.
Graphic Designer Front-End Web Developer 3D Modeler Animator Compositor I have a strong background in computer graphics, art design, and video production, plus I have more than 20 years of experience in.
What can you do with an Animation Degree? Product Commercials What can you do with an. Understand what your income and expenses are.
Some of the options that may appear on the exam paper are as follows:. If so, it s not surprising. You live in a culture where people watch. I have been working on animations since a young age. I have a vast knowledge of editing software. I have a website called Jornations. Example Computer Certified Developer Example Computer continued is a series of computer games that we are designing and developing as a part of student projects at Geelix School of Serious s and Edutainment.
Media and Photography The director calling lights, camera, action. The actors and actresses collecting all the gongs. The influential radio presenter playing the latest hits. They would all be nothing. Apply laboratory safety rules, regulations, and procedures for animation layout. Learning Objective s and 1.
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By manually setting a Normal angle for the box as you did in step 13 of the exercise, you override the display anomaly. Wiley publishes in a variety of print and electronic formats and by print-on-demand. Think about it when was the last time you picked up a phone More information. On the right, the dots are called Output Sockets. Apple Watch for Developers Pages English. Save your progress so far and open a new blank scene.❿
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Maya Maya Help (English) · Maya Help (日本語) · Maya Help (简体中文). Important: The zip. Thank you for choosing Introducing Autodesk Maya This book is part of a fam- ily of premium-quality Sybex books, all of which are written by. 3 Download and Read Free Online Mastering Autodesk Maya Autodesk Official Maya Autodesk Official Press By Todd Palamar Free PDF d0wnl0ad. Download Free PDF. paper cover icon Introduction Welcome to Introducing Autodesk® Maya® and the world of computer-generated imagery (CGI). Autodesk Maya A Comprehensive Guide. Pages·· MB·11, Downloads·New! Welcome to the world of Autodesk Maya Autodesk Maya is a.