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The Winners Image is based on one of the most important concepts a person will ever learn when it comes to personal development — self-image. Self-image deals with everything from our weight to our fulfillment to our annual income to our personal relationships.
Until you understand this, you are dealing with an unseen enemy. Without THIS change, very little will ever change in your life! Our self-image can be likened to a thermostat or autopilot on a plane — even if it operates automatically or unconsciously in just one area of your life, its power will affect all facets of your life. More courses from the same author: Bob Proctor. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Paul McKenna — Everyday Bliss.
Marie Diamond — Feng Shui for Life. Shefali Tsabary — Conscious Parenting Mastery. Remember me Log in. Lost your password? Bob Proctor — The Winners Image quantity. Description Reviews 0. How useful was this product? Click on a star to rate it! Reviews There are no reviews yet.
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WebBob Proctor – The Winners Image $ $ Delivery: The download link will . Ad6-Week Audio Program by Bob Proctor & Mary Morrissey. You Are Far More Powerful Than You Ever Dreamed Possible. AdDiscover Photos and Illustrations Found Nowhere Else. Completely Exclusive. Only at RF! Unleash Your Creativity Without Budget and Content Limits. Unlimited replace.me: Photos, Vectors, Illustrations, Editorial, Footage, Music, Sound effects. WebBob Proctor – The Winners Image. The Winners Image is based on one of the most .
A wknners and true process proven to help you feel, act and achieve like the downloar you are. You remember long days of: Trying to improve Feeling behind Constant overwhelm. With all the books, programs, articles, events, blogs, podcasts, movies and life coaches out there — it can nob hard to know the imwge action for improving your life … and no wonder so many people are stuck. The best part? While applying other things can give you temporary change — improving your self image produces lasting results.
Self-image deals procor everything from our weight to our fulfillment to our annual income to our personal relationships. Until you understand wrc 2013 pc game free download, you are dealing with an unseen enemy. Without THIS change, very little продолжить bob proctor winners image download change bob proctor winners image download your life! Our self-image can be likened to a thermostat or autopilot on a plane — even if it operates automatically or unconsciously in just one area of your life, its power will affect all facets of your life.
Save my name, email, and website in this browser nob the next time I comment. Marilyne Woodsmall — The Mind Coach. Igor Ledochowski doqnload Hypnotic Journeys. Dream Frontiers — 60min Enlightenedaudio. Gary M. Jason Capital — По этой ссылке Switch. Joy Martina — Angel Meditation. Remember me Log in. Lost your password? Bob proctor winners image download to wishlist. Delivery: The download link will send to your email after successful payment.
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You look back and remember looking forward to Bob proctor winners image download and dreading Monday. Stuck is stuck. Started each day free from all financial concerns. Spent your time with positive, productive and creative people. Walked into a room full of strangers and instantly turned them http://replace.me/16574.txt friends.
Really believed how incredible you are, rather than being your own worst critic. Saw mistakes as valuable lessons instead of failures. Were living your most authentic, happy and joy filled life. Well, look no further — this is it. Use this multi-faceted imaging concept in school, work, and relationships. Note differences between short-term change and long-term change and what to do to create that final, never-go-back shift.
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Joy Martina — Angel Meditation. Remember me Log in. Lost your password? Add to wishlist. Delivery: The download link will send to your email after successful payment. If download link has problem, let me know via email , we will re-send link within hours. You look back and remember looking forward to Friday and dreading Monday. Stuck is stuck. Started each day free from all financial concerns.
Spent your time with positive, productive and creative people. Walked into a room full of strangers and instantly turned them into friends. Really believed how incredible you are, rather than being your own worst critic.
The Winners Image is based on one of the most important concepts a person will ever learn when it comes to personal development — self-image. Self-image deals with everything from our weight to our fulfillment to our annual income to our personal relationships. Until you understand this, you are dealing with an unseen enemy.
Without THIS change, very little will ever change in your life! Our self-image can be likened to a thermostat or autopilot on a plane — even if it operates automatically or unconsciously in just one area of your life, its power will affect all facets of your life.
More courses from the same author: Bob Proctor. Those people are going anywhere will follow them. Listen to these instructions. I’ve often mentioned that I got license to brag about all these ideas.
None of them are mine. I just pick them up from winners of the past, but I have put them to work and they work beautifully. My life is changed dramatically from it and I’ve done what I’m suggesting you do right now. As a matter of fact I’m continually doing it made six people who are doing what you would like to do or who are living as you would like to live sex and you get those down as the various aspects of their lives that appeal to you and mentally put yourself in their position be afraid to do this just sit back and relax and let your mind take off as you do this be aware that you can see with your inner eye, beautiful vision with yourself and fantasies are created in your conscious mind through the gate of your imagination.
Imagination Napoleon Hill said the imagination is the most marvelous, miraculous, inconceivably powerful force that the world is ever known, and anything that we have ever accomplished we accomplish first and foremost with her imagination. It began as a fantasy. So sit back and relax at your imagination take off. It’s very important that your fantasy or image be complete as much detail as possible.
You could feel this is a foolish waste of time doing anyway not let this fantasy. Building your mind make it absolutely beautiful begin to see yourself happy, healthy, wealthy, all the money you need should be a make an adventure should never be a bore if you want to change your life and make it a real interesting journey.
This is where it began. So don’t be afraid to build the fantasy. I get it going really well. Here’s a few questions that you could ask yourself about the winners that we’ve already named these are answers that are going to help you build your fantasy, how they dress what they study they manage their time with the associate with how they meet great people.
You and others view them what income bracket are they in what is their personal life like what is their home life like what kind of automobile do they drive this service oriented person. Are they recognized in their industry.
Some more questions of your own and apply them. When you’ve done that, and you have your fantasy built pink with words. The vision you see, make a detailed written description of your fantasy begin. This is my fantasy.
I am so happy now that I am. Let me repeat on the top line begin by writing. Here were going to be testing your fantasy. If you are not well read in the area of mind dynamics or the creative process. These various exercises could appear to be ridiculous. Nevertheless, they do work and they will work for you. You are building a winners image which will enable you to live the life you’ve only been dreaming about to turn your fantasy into a theory which is the next step requires a shift in your attitude, you must begin getting serious conscious thought to your fantasy of this is not a game that your life you’re working with.
Am I able to good question. Are you able to live your life in the manner with your fantasy suggests a large impact in one of these box down yes or no. Whatever you think this is the point in life where every winter has separated themselves from the math facts or circumstances clearly indicated they could not win, referring to the present results in their life. The results were controlled by their full self-image.
However, the winners have ignored the facts and turn all of their conscious attention to their fantasy that is real in their mind. It turned into a theory that vision was so stimulating that they would only think of how they could live there was no room in their mind or thoughts of why they couldn’t and they became willing to do what ever was required. Theory into a new set of facts in their life. You are able. Definitely able. There is no one alive who can even gas with any accuracy. At the magnitude of your potential, your spiritual being for you.
All things are possible. You may not believe that if you haven’t studied this in depth. Take my word for you got nothing to lose. As I’ve often mentioned, if you don’t like it will refund your misery. Now the next question is truly the only question you need to ask yourself about attaining a winners image not question his outline for you on the top of page 27 flip over that page and let’s work here for a little while because you’re gonna have to ask yourself some good questions here.
The first one is am I willing. This is the only question of any real importance, which requires an answer to make your fantasy into a theory.
Are you willing to make sizable investments in yourself and I can personally admit I phone all over the world I’ve attended. I don’t know how many seminars I have thousands of dollars invested in programs of this nature, and every one of them have paid me great dividends.
Losers are not willing to do that. Are you willing to make sizable investments in yourself. Now this is not only an investment of money is going to be investment in time are you willing to invest the time in the exercises in this program. Are you willing to go where you have to go. I have found it necessary to move to a couple different continents in a number of different cities to turn my images into reality.
Some people don’t want to know are you willing to go where you have to go. Are you willing to do what you have to do remember you gotta do what’s required. Are you willing to change what you have to change you may have to change your personal appearance. You may have to change the mood swings that you experience. You may have to change the way you approach people the way you treat some of your peers.
Are you willing to let go of what has to go. Remember, nature abhors a vacuum. If you’re going to get something new. You’ve got to create a space for it. You’ve got let go of that old image before there’s any room for the new image are you willing to move her you have to move. Are you willing to study what must be studied. Are you willing to take direction when it is required to see a person could never be an effective leader.
If they’re not an effective follower. He went back again in and he failed again but he never let his failures affect him as a person. He didn’t see himself as a failure. He does realize the way that he couldn’t get up the mountain. He went back again in in so far as we know, in Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norte were the first to ever get to the top of the mountain and back down alive. Are you willing to experience failures like that.
I’ve got to be me, but the many I think my wife thinks I should be not to me that I think maybe you think I should be not to me that I think my children think I should be no if I want to be free.
I’ve got to be me. Are you willing to possibly even accept, ridicule, humiliation and rejection as a part of the price to win every winter will tell you that they received ridicule they been humiliated. They been rejected but they were willing to accept that as a price of letting your answer is yes to this question is something yes I am willing you are on your way to being a winner is not supply law follow tested many times every day the women life is not easy.
It’s simple but not easy and requires rigorous honesty and a very dumb moment to answer the question about your willing your fantasy.
You are now ready to turn your theory into a whole new set of positive in your life. Congratulations and let’s this last of three tapes is designed to firmly implant the winners image system in your mind, let’s start by quickly reviewing what we have done. You have created in detail of fantasy composite of your new self-image that you affirm that you are capable of living your life in the manner with your fantasy suggests, and you have confirmed your willingness to work at transforming your fantasy into your new self-image objective now is to deeply plant and route the vision of your winners image in your subconscious mind and keep nourishing it positive input until your winners image Russell’s control of your life away from your old self-image.
This winners image system has a daily program to assist you in achieving your winners image turnover on the page Take a look at the drawing at the top of the page there graphically illustrated for you what we have just covered. You build the winners image. Now your old self-image is still in control of your subconscious mind, but the system were laying out for you here will change.
That is a beautiful quote by Leland Gelfand of all whom I consider my teacher at the bottom of page 31 and is a quote I think that we should focus on as we move on to our five-point program.
He said doing at once. What needs to be done will ensure the possibility of success. Take a look at the top of page There were talking about the daily five-point program for materializing a winners image number one, relax, allocate 20 minutes three times every morning, noon, evening like yourself totally relax. Clear your mind and visualize yourself living your dream to change completely review how you have been living decide what changes must be made to become the person you have.
Visualize yourself being in your new image and change them. Number three. Watch your videotape of the winners image at least once every day for 90 days. Being aware of how much more you retain the message every time you watch it number 4 Lesson Pl.
The three audiocassettes from a winners image in your automobile, clear your car of all other cassettes play these cassettes constantly, every time you’re in your car for the next 90 days.
Number five, communicate, make a list of 15 winners you respect and would like to socialize with phone one every day to say hello and ask if there’s any way you can help them. You will be speaking every one of them twice a month as Bedwell said you only have to do something until you want to and then you don’t have to anymore.
No turnover on the page 35 there were going to make a detailed description of yourself as a winner. Know this may appear to you is if it’s the same exercise you completed on page It is similar but it is definitely not the same. Just on page You are making a written description of your fantasy. Remember, we’ve had a change in attitude we shifted our way of thinking and we took the fantasy and we turned it into a theory. Now it’s a dream and were at the point now where we wanted to move into results.
This written description of yourself must be in the present tense. Everything begins on a mental level before it manifests in physical results as you make this written description you are impregnating your winners image into cells in your brain, rewrite this image weekly. You will find it will keep improving every time you write it, begin by writing. I am so happy now that I am not trusting that you have completed making a written description of your dreams, your theory, and as you write that you let it soak into every cell of your being.
Each time you write it you love it. Now were going to turn over on the page 37 and we will discuss each one of these five points little greater depth so that you will have a better understanding of why I am suggesting what I’m suggesting for each one of these steps number one relax. This exercise is vitally important real with our highly results oriented individuals and always have a number of projects going at the same time they accomplish more in a week that most people would accomplish in a month or possibly even a year.
They carry out their duties in a very calm, confident, relaxed manner. Relaxation is not something winners try to do is the way they are your subconscious mind is programmed to keep them in a relaxed state creative energy flows freely through the mind and body. That is, relax, dynamic, creative, result oriented ideas are built with creative energy.
When you have let your self move into a totally relaxed state mentally throw the electrical switch in your brain that permits the winners image to move on to the screen of your mind. This is the image you chose to create and that you described on page See yourself winning in every way make it real. Make in the present tense with that winners image dominate your mind you are that person. The more often you practice this exercise, the more it will take root.
Eventually it will dominate your mind all of the time you are than the winner intellectually, spiritually and physically. Habits are formed by repeatedly getting emotionally involved with specific ideas to let yourself relax. I’m going to suggest you find a particular place in your home or you’re very comfortable. Let your body sink into the chair worth your laying down. Just let your body sink into the floor mentally visualize a beautiful energy flowing in through the crown of your head and circulating through your body know you do not try to relax you let yourself relax and let all of the tension leave your body if you find you are having difficulty with this.
Give our office a call and we have tapes on relaxation. There will be glad to see that you get one for you to successfully form the habit of living a relaxed, creative life, you must property complete this exercise three times a day, every day for 90 days and as you do this you’re going to find that you will get into the habit of being relaxed regardless of the circumstance winners are relaxed beings.
Remember tension tires. This is the one point that will require more effort than all of the others combine clearly understand however that the other points are of no value whatsoever not systematically complete this exercise.
Experience has taught winners that they would not have properly completed this exercise had they not done the others. All pieces are necessary to complete the puzzle. Here are 10 areas of your life. You must review you can and probably should add to this list as you review them on the following pages clearly indicate the changes you will make and when you will initiate the change.
One personal appearance to your personal life. Your social life for your personal development program by your health. You’re working habits. Your attitude your time management nine your business associates can your leadership abilities. Now you’ll notice at the bottom of page 39 I’ve given you an example here will take the first one. Your personal appearance changes. I will make completion date within seven days I will visit an image consultant who has established a professional reputation.
I will explain what I intend to accomplish and ask for professional assistance. I want to be recognized by my peers as one of the best dressed people they know and you see an image consultant is going to ask you what you do what you work at it’s very important that you dress in a manner that is conventionally acceptable think would be highly improper for a very successful farmer to be wandering around in a three-piece silk suit.
It’s very important that we dress in a manner that is conventionally acceptable in the area that we work you never get a second chance to make a first impression going take a look in the mirror and ask yourself if I were a stranger looking at me I look like a successful person dry dressed like a successful person.
How important do I feel my physical appearance is. I happen to believe it is a very important part of our life. Just as the other nine areas are but you are an intelligent being. Take each one of these and really think about it. Remember we said it requires rigorous honesty.
Download Bob Proctor – The Winners Image $ best price – Healing Course.Bob Proctor – The Winners Image
Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Paul McKenna — Everyday Bliss. Marie Diamond — Feng Shui for Life. Shefali Tsabary — Conscious Parenting Mastery. Remember me Log in. Lost your password? If each phase does not pass the test, you could very easily sell yourself short and not properly complete each phase. Go to the top of page There were talk about phase 1, the fantasy everything that is ever been accomplished by anyone was at first and for a time fantasy the facts the phone air travel.
They run fantasies long before they became realities. Thomas Edison fantasize and illuminated the entire world. Alexander Graham Bell fantasize connected us all together.
The Wright brothers fantasize and they brought us closer together they caused our perception of the world to shrink. Everything begins with the fantasy. The cassette tape that you’re listening to. I can remember when it was a fantasy it was in my lifetime that that change. The first step calls for you to do the same as they did and choose your fantasy pick a highly successful person you admire and you can emulate.
It could pick someone you know or possibly someone you read about who lives the way you dream of living use them as a model to help you mentally build your fantasy. Now a lot of people are going to tell you this is crazy, you know, fantasizing like that wanted to get on with your life.
Those people are going anywhere will follow them. Listen to these instructions. I’ve often mentioned that I got license to brag about all these ideas. None of them are mine. I just pick them up from winners of the past, but I have put them to work and they work beautifully.
My life is changed dramatically from it and I’ve done what I’m suggesting you do right now. As a matter of fact I’m continually doing it made six people who are doing what you would like to do or who are living as you would like to live sex and you get those down as the various aspects of their lives that appeal to you and mentally put yourself in their position be afraid to do this just sit back and relax and let your mind take off as you do this be aware that you can see with your inner eye, beautiful vision with yourself and fantasies are created in your conscious mind through the gate of your imagination.
Imagination Napoleon Hill said the imagination is the most marvelous, miraculous, inconceivably powerful force that the world is ever known, and anything that we have ever accomplished we accomplish first and foremost with her imagination. It began as a fantasy.
So sit back and relax at your imagination take off. It’s very important that your fantasy or image be complete as much detail as possible. You could feel this is a foolish waste of time doing anyway not let this fantasy.
Building your mind make it absolutely beautiful begin to see yourself happy, healthy, wealthy, all the money you need should be a make an adventure should never be a bore if you want to change your life and make it a real interesting journey.
This is where it began. So don’t be afraid to build the fantasy. I get it going really well. Here’s a few questions that you could ask yourself about the winners that we’ve already named these are answers that are going to help you build your fantasy, how they dress what they study they manage their time with the associate with how they meet great people.
You and others view them what income bracket are they in what is their personal life like what is their home life like what kind of automobile do they drive this service oriented person. Are they recognized in their industry. Some more questions of your own and apply them. When you’ve done that, and you have your fantasy built pink with words. The vision you see, make a detailed written description of your fantasy begin.
This is my fantasy. I am so happy now that I am. Let me repeat on the top line begin by writing. Here were going to be testing your fantasy. If you are not well read in the area of mind dynamics or the creative process. These various exercises could appear to be ridiculous. Nevertheless, they do work and they will work for you.
You are building a winners image which will enable you to live the life you’ve only been dreaming about to turn your fantasy into a theory which is the next step requires a shift in your attitude, you must begin getting serious conscious thought to your fantasy of this is not a game that your life you’re working with. Am I able to good question. Are you able to live your life in the manner with your fantasy suggests a large impact in one of these box down yes or no.
Whatever you think this is the point in life where every winter has separated themselves from the math facts or circumstances clearly indicated they could not win, referring to the present results in their life. The results were controlled by their full self-image. However, the winners have ignored the facts and turn all of their conscious attention to their fantasy that is real in their mind.
It turned into a theory that vision was so stimulating that they would only think of how they could live there was no room in their mind or thoughts of why they couldn’t and they became willing to do what ever was required.
Theory into a new set of facts in their life. You are able. Definitely able. There is no one alive who can even gas with any accuracy. At the magnitude of your potential, your spiritual being for you. All things are possible. You may not believe that if you haven’t studied this in depth. Take my word for you got nothing to lose. As I’ve often mentioned, if you don’t like it will refund your misery.
Now the next question is truly the only question you need to ask yourself about attaining a winners image not question his outline for you on the top of page 27 flip over that page and let’s work here for a little while because you’re gonna have to ask yourself some good questions here.
The first one is am I willing. This is the only question of any real importance, which requires an answer to make your fantasy into a theory.
Are you willing to make sizable investments in yourself and I can personally admit I phone all over the world I’ve attended. I don’t know how many seminars I have thousands of dollars invested in programs of this nature, and every one of them have paid me great dividends. Losers are not willing to do that. Are you willing to make sizable investments in yourself. Now this is not only an investment of money is going to be investment in time are you willing to invest the time in the exercises in this program.
Are you willing to go where you have to go. I have found it necessary to move to a couple different continents in a number of different cities to turn my images into reality. Some people don’t want to know are you willing to go where you have to go.
Are you willing to do what you have to do remember you gotta do what’s required. Are you willing to change what you have to change you may have to change your personal appearance.
You may have to change the mood swings that you experience. You may have to change the way you approach people the way you treat some of your peers. Are you willing to let go of what has to go. Remember, nature abhors a vacuum. If you’re going to get something new.
You’ve got to create a space for it. You’ve got let go of that old image before there’s any room for the new image are you willing to move her you have to move.
Are you willing to study what must be studied. Are you willing to take direction when it is required to see a person could never be an effective leader.
If they’re not an effective follower. He went back again in and he failed again but he never let his failures affect him as a person. He didn’t see himself as a failure. He does realize the way that he couldn’t get up the mountain. He went back again in in so far as we know, in Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norte were the first to ever get to the top of the mountain and back down alive.
Are you willing to experience failures like that. I’ve got to be me, but the many I think my wife thinks I should be not to me that I think maybe you think I should be not to me that I think my children think I should be no if I want to be free. I’ve got to be me. Are you willing to possibly even accept, ridicule, humiliation and rejection as a part of the price to win every winter will tell you that they received ridicule they been humiliated.
They been rejected but they were willing to accept that as a price of letting your answer is yes to this question is something yes I am willing you are on your way to being a winner is not supply law follow tested many times every day the women life is not easy.
It’s simple but not easy and requires rigorous honesty and a very dumb moment to answer the question about your willing your fantasy. You are now ready to turn your theory into a whole new set of positive in your life. Congratulations and let’s this last of three tapes is designed to firmly implant the winners image system in your mind, let’s start by quickly reviewing what we have done. You have created in detail of fantasy composite of your new self-image that you affirm that you are capable of living your life in the manner with your fantasy suggests, and you have confirmed your willingness to work at transforming your fantasy into your new self-image objective now is to deeply plant and route the vision of your winners image in your subconscious mind and keep nourishing it positive input until your winners image Russell’s control of your life away from your old self-image.
This winners image system has a daily program to assist you in achieving your winners image turnover on the page Take a look at the drawing at the top of the page there graphically illustrated for you what we have just covered. You build the winners image. Now your old self-image is still in control of your subconscious mind, but the system were laying out for you here will change.
That is a beautiful quote by Leland Gelfand of all whom I consider my teacher at the bottom of page 31 and is a quote I think that we should focus on as we move on to our five-point program.
He said doing at once. What needs to be done will ensure the possibility of success. Take a look at the top of page There were talking about the daily five-point program for materializing a winners image number one, relax, allocate 20 minutes three times every morning, noon, evening like yourself totally relax. Clear your mind and visualize yourself living your dream to change completely review how you have been living decide what changes must be made to become the person you have.
Visualize yourself being in your new image and change them. Number three. Watch your videotape of the winners image at least once every day for 90 days. Being aware of how much more you retain the message every time you watch it number 4 Lesson Pl. The three audiocassettes from a winners image in your automobile, clear your car of all other cassettes play these cassettes constantly, every time you’re in your car for the next 90 days.
Number five, communicate, make a list of 15 winners you respect and would like to socialize with phone one every day to say hello and ask if there’s any way you can help them. You will be speaking every one of them twice a month as Bedwell said you only have to do something until you want to and then you don’t have to anymore.
No turnover on the page 35 there were going to make a detailed description of yourself as a winner. Know this may appear to you is if it’s the same exercise you completed on page It is similar but it is definitely not the same. Just on page You are making a written description of your fantasy. Remember, we’ve had a change in attitude we shifted our way of thinking and we took the fantasy and we turned it into a theory.
Now it’s a dream and were at the point now where we wanted to move into results. This written description of yourself must be in the present tense. Everything begins on a mental level before it manifests in physical results as you make this written description you are impregnating your winners image into cells in your brain, rewrite this image weekly.
You will find it will keep improving every time you write it, begin by writing. I am so happy now that I am not trusting that you have completed making a written description of your dreams, your theory, and as you write that you let it soak into every cell of your being. Each time you write it you love it. Now were going to turn over on the page 37 and we will discuss each one of these five points little greater depth so that you will have a better understanding of why I am suggesting what I’m suggesting for each one of these steps number one relax.
This exercise is vitally important real with our highly results oriented individuals and always have a number of projects going at the same time they accomplish more in a week that most people would accomplish in a month or possibly even a year. They carry out their duties in a very calm, confident, relaxed manner. Relaxation is not something winners try to do is the way they are your subconscious mind is programmed to keep them in a relaxed state creative energy flows freely through the mind and body.
That is, relax, dynamic, creative, result oriented ideas are built with creative energy. When you have let your self move into a totally relaxed state mentally throw the electrical switch in your brain that permits the winners image to move on to the screen of your mind. This is the image you chose to create and that you described on page See yourself winning in every way make it real. Make in the present tense with that winners image dominate your mind you are that person.
The more often you practice this exercise, the more it will take root. Eventually it will dominate your mind all of the time you are than the winner intellectually, spiritually and physically.
Habits are formed by repeatedly getting emotionally involved with specific ideas to let yourself relax. I’m going to suggest you find a particular place in your home or you’re very comfortable. Let your body sink into the chair worth your laying down.
Just let your body sink into the floor mentally visualize a beautiful energy flowing in through the crown of your head and circulating through your body know you do not try to relax you let yourself relax and let all of the tension leave your body if you find you are having difficulty with this. Give our office a call and we have tapes on relaxation. There will be glad to see that you get one for you to successfully form the habit of living a relaxed, creative life, you must property complete this exercise three times a day, every day for 90 days and as you do this you’re going to find that you will get into the habit of being relaxed regardless of the circumstance winners are relaxed beings.
Remember tension tires. This is the one point that will require more effort than all of the others combine clearly understand however that the other points are of no value whatsoever not systematically complete this exercise.
Experience has taught winners that they would not have properly completed this exercise had they not done the others. All pieces are necessary to complete the puzzle. Here are 10 areas of your life. You must review you can and probably should add to this list as you review them on the following pages clearly indicate the changes you will make and when you will initiate the change. One personal appearance to your personal life. Your social life for your personal development program by your health.
The best part? While applying other things can give you temporary change — improving your self image produces lasting results. Self-image deals with everything from our weight to our fulfillment to our annual income to our personal relationships. Until you understand this, you are dealing with an unseen enemy. Without THIS change, very little will ever change in your life! Our self-image can be likened to a thermostat or autopilot on a plane — even if it operates automatically or unconsciously in just one area of your life, its power will affect all facets of your life.
Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Marilyne Woodsmall — The Mind Coach. Igor Ledochowski — Hypnotic Journeys. Dream Frontiers — 60min Enlightenedaudio. Gary M. Jason Capital — Power Switch.
Marie Diamond — Feng Shui for Life. Shefali Tsabary — Conscious Parenting Mastery. Remember me Log in. Lost your password? Bob Proctor — The Winners Image quantity. Description Reviews 0. Really, do you give it everything you’ve got to put more energy into it and you may move off cars. However, you find that you come back on course again because you’re trying to force enforcement work. You see is a self-image that is controlling the behavior. Let’s suppose a person selling a million a year of something in the quote because they’re all long that they’ve been the sales meeting.
Another way off course. The self-image picks up the deviation from the set goal it needs it into a coordinating mechanism which is the nervous system that behavior starts to change until their back on course again at the end of the year all they sold is the million.
They may have a week at but they still just sold a million know what we have to do is take responsibility for the results were getting. You gotta take total personal responsibility for your results that cause all of your present results is that self-image which is resident in your subconscious mind this program does not cover how your present self-image was formed.
Our only focus is on how to improve the self-image we’ve explained in detail how and why you hold the present self-image and another program titled you were born Ranch you’ll see that program outlined in the back of this exercise book and if you haven’t been through it.
I would recommend that you get into it because there’s a lot of deep information in there that will really help you understand you better, but for the time being. You can change your results by improving your self-image starting right now you must forget the past and take responsibility for the present what the past. So no, that’s not the easiest thing to do mentally released begin immediately apply that beautiful new self-image of leaders and in your subconscious mind.
Just follow the instructions in this program and your results will improve immediately and forever as long as you operate with winners. All questions you ask yourself does every day we reinforce herself and perpetuate itself that what awaits the time to be a winner is now.
Not tomorrow. The key to being a winner is to improve your self-image and the Locksley said there is only one corner of the universe that you can be certain of improving and that is your own self. I am here to help you create a winners image of yourself. Feelings cause action and actions create results as you go through the various exercises in this program will give you good reason to write the month so just pass them off as you owe them if would dictate saying I’ll do that later.
Get your pan out and get to work now what were going to talk about at this point, you could be in the habit of going over the detailed part of a project, assuming the details are not overly important. Many times they may not be very important, however, that is certainly not the case in this program.
The details are vitally important for taking the time to complete each exercise will solidly plan in the treasury of your subconscious mind, your life will never be the same again. Make a commitment to use your exercise. But your audio and video as instructed 90 days to let me repeat that I go to suggest that on the bottom of page 15 you make a list sign commitment to use your exercise but audio and video cassettes as instructed.
Every day for 90 days. It means something now flip over on the eighth 17 that began when he there are number things here were going to have to discuss because everything is a beginning. If you drive, you have to learn how to drive. If you type, you had to learn how the same is true for successful living. When you learn how to do something you begin by learning the basics and then diligently working with those basics until you have them mastered.
Although you may be impatient in the beginning because of your desire for improved results understand that the time you invest to master the basics will pay great dividends in the long run. Mastering the basics of building a winners image is the same as laying a strong foundation upon which you build a skyscraper. I want you to stop and think.
In almost every large city that you go into you go downtown and you’ll see board fences up around maybe two or three square blocks and they seem to be there for ever. Every now and then you may go on peek through the crack and you’ll see large equipment and all kinds of men working in there and it just seems like those boards are going to be there forever. One day you go downtown and there’s story building standing. There is a word that come from. It took months to lay the foundation.
The superstructure went up overnight. You may want to realize that exactly the same as going to work here. It may take a little while to do these exercises but you’re going to find that the results will change virtually overnight. Now bring your attention to the bottom of page We have a highly successful person has a winners image rooted in every molecule of their being remember where we pointed out that mind is movement bodies, the manifestation of that movement as you sink that winners image in your subconscious mind.
It affects every part of your body and your behaviors going to begin to change your going to start to form winning actions and you’re going to get the results you choose. Now let’s get into the point of how do we create that winners image well if you go over to page 19 were going to get into the basics. The basics of building a winners image. There you see a three point program fantasy theory and fact there are two phases, which must be completed in the process of building a new self-image, a winners image which will cause you to think like a winner feel like a winner.
Act like a winner be a winner, you must personally what each of these phases through two tests. If each phase does not pass the test, you could very easily sell yourself short and not properly complete each phase. Go to the top of page There were talk about phase 1, the fantasy everything that is ever been accomplished by anyone was at first and for a time fantasy the facts the phone air travel. They run fantasies long before they became realities.
Thomas Edison fantasize and illuminated the entire world. Alexander Graham Bell fantasize connected us all together. The Wright brothers fantasize and they brought us closer together they caused our perception of the world to shrink. Everything begins with the fantasy. The cassette tape that you’re listening to. I can remember when it was a fantasy it was in my lifetime that that change. The first step calls for you to do the same as they did and choose your fantasy pick a highly successful person you admire and you can emulate.
It could pick someone you know or possibly someone you read about who lives the way you dream of living use them as a model to help you mentally build your fantasy. Now a lot of people are going to tell you this is crazy, you know, fantasizing like that wanted to get on with your life.
Those people are going anywhere will follow them. Listen to these instructions. I’ve often mentioned that I got license to brag about all these ideas. None of them are mine. I just pick them up from winners of the past, but I have put them to work and they work beautifully. My life is changed dramatically from it and I’ve done what I’m suggesting you do right now. As a matter of fact I’m continually doing it made six people who are doing what you would like to do or who are living as you would like to live sex and you get those down as the various aspects of their lives that appeal to you and mentally put yourself in their position be afraid to do this just sit back and relax and let your mind take off as you do this be aware that you can see with your inner eye, beautiful vision with yourself and fantasies are created in your conscious mind through the gate of your imagination.
Imagination Napoleon Hill said the imagination is the most marvelous, miraculous, inconceivably powerful force that the world is ever known, and anything that we have ever accomplished we accomplish first and foremost with her imagination. It began as a fantasy. So sit back and relax at your imagination take off. It’s very important that your fantasy or image be complete as much detail as possible. You could feel this is a foolish waste of time doing anyway not let this fantasy.
Building your mind make it absolutely beautiful begin to see yourself happy, healthy, wealthy, all the money you need should be a make an adventure should never be a bore if you want to change your life and make it a real interesting journey.
This is where it began. So don’t be afraid to build the fantasy. I get it going really well. Here’s a few questions that you could ask yourself about the winners that we’ve already named these are answers that are going to help you build your fantasy, how they dress what they study they manage their time with the associate with how they meet great people.
You and others view them what income bracket are they in what is their personal life like what is their home life like what kind of automobile do they drive this service oriented person. Are they recognized in their industry.
Some more questions of your own and apply them. When you’ve done that, and you have your fantasy built pink with words. The vision you see, make a detailed written description of your fantasy begin.
This is my fantasy. I am so happy now that I am. Let me repeat on the top line begin by writing. Here were going to be testing your fantasy. If you are not well read in the area of mind dynamics or the creative process. These various exercises could appear to be ridiculous.
Nevertheless, they do work and they will work for you. You are building a winners image which will enable you to live the life you’ve only been dreaming about to turn your fantasy into a theory which is the next step requires a shift in your attitude, you must begin getting serious conscious thought to your fantasy of this is not a game that your life you’re working with.
Am I able to good question. Are you able to live your life in the manner with your fantasy suggests a large impact in one of these box down yes or no. Whatever you think this is the point in life where every winter has separated themselves from the math facts or circumstances clearly indicated they could not win, referring to the present results in their life. The results were controlled by their full self-image. However, the winners have ignored the facts and turn all of their conscious attention to their fantasy that is real in their mind.
It turned into a theory that vision was so stimulating that they would only think of how they could live there was no room in their mind or thoughts of why they couldn’t and they became willing to do what ever was required. Theory into a new set of facts in their life. You are able. Definitely able. There is no one alive who can even gas with any accuracy.
At the magnitude of your potential, your spiritual being for you. All things are possible. You may not believe that if you haven’t studied this in depth. Take my word for you got nothing to lose. As I’ve often mentioned, if you don’t like it will refund your misery. Now the next question is truly the only question you need to ask yourself about attaining a winners image not question his outline for you on the top of page 27 flip over that page and let’s work here for a little while because you’re gonna have to ask yourself some good questions here.
The first one is am I willing. This is the only question of any real importance, which requires an answer to make your fantasy into a theory. Are you willing to make sizable investments in yourself and I can personally admit I phone all over the world I’ve attended. I don’t know how many seminars I have thousands of dollars invested in programs of this nature, and every one of them have paid me great dividends.
Losers are not willing to do that. Are you willing to make sizable investments in yourself. Now this is not only an investment of money is going to be investment in time are you willing to invest the time in the exercises in this program. Are you willing to go where you have to go. I have found it necessary to move to a couple different continents in a number of different cities to turn my images into reality.
Some people don’t want to know are you willing to go where you have to go. Are you willing to do what you have to do remember you gotta do what’s required.
Are you willing to change what you have to change you may have to change your personal appearance. You may have to change the mood swings that you experience. You may have to change the way you approach people the way you treat some of your peers. Are you willing to let go of what has to go. Remember, nature abhors a vacuum.
If you’re going to get something new. You’ve got to create a space for it. You’ve got let go of that old image before there’s any room for the new image are you willing to move her you have to move. Are you willing to study what must be studied.
Are you willing to take direction when it is required to see a person could never be an effective leader. If they’re not an effective follower. He went back again in and he failed again but he never let his failures affect him as a person.
He didn’t see himself as a failure. He does realize the way that he couldn’t get up the mountain. He went back again in in so far as we know, in Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norte were the first to ever get to the top of the mountain and back down alive. Are you willing to experience failures like that. I’ve got to be me, but the many I think my wife thinks I should be not to me that I think maybe you think I should be not to me that I think my children think I should be no if I want to be free.
I’ve got to be me. Are you willing to possibly even accept, ridicule, humiliation and rejection as a part of the price to win every winter will tell you that they received ridicule they been humiliated. They been rejected but they were willing to accept that as a price of letting your answer is yes to this question is something yes I am willing you are on your way to being a winner is not supply law follow tested many times every day the women life is not easy.
It’s simple but not easy and requires rigorous honesty and a very dumb moment to answer the question about your willing your fantasy. You are now ready to turn your theory into a whole new set of positive in your life. Congratulations and let’s this last of three tapes is designed to firmly implant the winners image system in your mind, let’s start by quickly reviewing what we have done.
You have created in detail of fantasy composite of your new self-image that you affirm that you are capable of living your life in the manner with your fantasy suggests, and you have confirmed your willingness to work at transforming your fantasy into your new self-image objective now is to deeply plant and route the vision of your winners image in your subconscious mind and keep nourishing it positive input until your winners image Russell’s control of your life away from your old self-image.
This winners image system has a daily program to assist you in achieving your winners image turnover on the page Take a look at the drawing at the top of the page there graphically illustrated for you what we have just covered. You build the winners image. Now your old self-image is still in control of your subconscious mind, but the system were laying out for you here will change. That is a beautiful quote by Leland Gelfand of all whom I consider my teacher at the bottom of page 31 and is a quote I think that we should focus on as we move on to our five-point program.
He said doing at once. What needs to be done will ensure the possibility of success. Take a look at the top of page With all the books, programs, articles, events, blogs, podcasts, movies and life coaches out there — it can be hard to know the best action for improving your life … and no wonder so many people are stuck. The best part? While applying other things can give you temporary change — improving your self image produces lasting results. Self-image deals with everything from our weight to our fulfillment to our annual income to our personal relationships.
Until you understand this, you are dealing with an unseen enemy. Without THIS change, very little will ever change in your life! Our self-image can be likened to a thermostat or autopilot on a plane — even if it operates automatically or unconsciously in just one area of your life, its power will affect all facets of your life. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Marilyne Woodsmall — The Mind Coach.
Igor Ledochowski — Hypnotic Journeys. Dream Frontiers — 60min Enlightenedaudio. Gary M.
Ad6-Week Audio Program by Bob Proctor & Mary Morrissey. You Are Far More Powerful Than You Ever Dreamed Possible. WebBob Proctor – The Winners Image. The Winners Image is based on one of the most . AdDiscover Photos and Illustrations Found Nowhere Else. Completely Exclusive. Only at RF! Unleash Your Creativity Without Budget and Content Limits. Unlimited replace.me: Photos, Vectors, Illustrations, Editorial, Footage, Music, Sound effects. WebBob Proctor – The Winners Image $ $ Delivery: The download link will .
Well it’s time to turn them into reality everything it takes to be a winner in the winters image personal development system has everything it takes to show you how it will assist you in experiencing a change in lifestyle you have, up till now only during the if you’re ready to be a winner ready to show you how to get the very best out of the winters image program.
I want to suggest that you’re listening to the cassettes that you take the exercise contained in your album and follow along with me to forward a page number three right at the beginning of winters and Sam Jellinek once said when the dream is big enough that facts don’t matter. The facts have never stood in the way of the winter. The winner is the dreamer who understands how to turn their dreams into reality, and in doing so they create a better, more beautiful world for everyone that facts may be real could represent strong opposition.
Nevertheless, the facts don’t matter to the winner. That person who holds in their heart a splendid image of their dream. I would imagine you’ve got a dream you got a beautiful picture that runs around your mind every now and then, of the way you would like to live what you would like to beat some of the things you’d like to do to get the best out of this program.
What I want to recommend you do is that you completely ignore the present results that you’re achieving in your life. They may not be what you want will just mentally set them aside throughout the ages. The winners have referred to a place within each of us called the higher self, that place where an image of perfection exists which is continually attempting to express itself to see it. Your higher self that keeps causing you to want to do better to move in the direction of your dreams.
It’s your old conditioning in your old image that’s holding you back. This higher self persistently sends stimulating and upbeat messages to our consciousness messages which are meant to protect their integrity and wholeness as created beings messages coming from the heart always have a complete disregard for the facts or surrounding circumstances in our lives.
Now that’s one of the reasons I’m suggesting you set your present results aside the present back in your life because the more you get involved in this program, the more you’re going to cause those facts to change what was was and what will be is up to you. Unfortunately, 99 out of every people misread the signals they’re constantly receiving rather than viewing these images with their inner eye of understanding and seeing them is truly unique pictures that are packed with power possibility and promise.
These images are considered idle wishes, ridiculous fantasies or daydreams. And it’s because there’s so far out of tune with their present reality. The present results. Well I like what Patricia Shamrock once said don’t give you the facts give me the truth, the facts are always changing.
Now the truth is that you have deep reservoirs of talent and ability within you. You got the potential to do anything you want to do and the more you’re involved in this program, the more you’re going to become aware of that truth. Victor Frankel, the author of man’s search for meaning once said that everything can be taken from a person, but one thing the last of human freedoms to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way Victor Frankel was a Viennese psychiatrist that spent the war years in a German concentration camp and I don’t suppose anyone has been subjected to more physical and mental abuse than Victor phone: some of his associates but was well it was in that camp that he realized that regardless of the circumstance.
You could choose your own way in life. So regardless of your circumstances. Clearly understand. You can start from where you are and change all those results and make dramatic changes. The masses of people who struggle day in and day out permit their mind to be dominated by their present results.
They call the facts that slacked in the limitation of poverty, which is reflected in their present results. They know why they can’t when it’s obvious to them and they can prove it. The facts when again and again.
In other words, the person’s present results are in control of them. They’re not in control of the results of all.
Now if this is a description of your way of life, release it, let it go. Begin doing what this program suggests your compensation will be well worth the effort. Clearly understand that regardless of your present situation in life that you want to win the successful dream of living in lecturing is not foolish or ridiculous.
It is as natural as the night following the day you were meant to have and enjoy everything that life cannot work God’s greatest creation. If your life is not a magnificent adventure because of errors either yours or those made by the authority figures in your life. Errors consisting of ideas or concepts about your potential as a person is then lodged in your subconscious mind. I remember one time someone said that you and I is a product of someone else’s habitual way of thinking, even mind when Carmine was program was programmed by someone that knew very little about our potential, and we certainly didn’t have the ability to even reject anything they were giving us we were infants.
Collectively, these ideas cause you to form an image of yourself in your mind. Most likely it is this mental programming that is respecting your success. When correctly employed the winters image personal development system with the various components and specially designed exercises will help you to correct those errors and assist you in experiencing a change in lifestyle.
You have also now only dream the now want to suggest that you look over on the page. Seven were going to go into a concept here now on self image. We made reference to it. Now let’s start understand a little better. Your entire life revolves around images just as every corporate every individual also has their own self and think of your home for a month as you think of your home, be aware that an image of your home comes on the screen of your mind will think of your automobile as you think of your automobile.
An image of your automobile comes on the screen of your mind. And so it does every time you think of yourself now science and psychology have isolated the one prime cause of success or failure like it is the hidden self image that you have of yourself.
It controls your mind just as surely as your mind controls your your hidden self image for think that’s an fulfillment is to remake your entire life. Your success in any undertaking will never lead to a greater degree than you have of yourself yourself is your own conception of the sort of person you are, determines what you believe you are able to accomplish yourself and was very likely unconsciously form from past experiences, successes and failures your affiliations and write or opinion you have of yourself will determine what other people’s reactions and significantly affect your success in everything you ever going to know here’s the point that most people don’t understand that I want you to this paragraph over listen to this over and over again until it firmly in your mind.
No person and no circumstance on earth can prevent you from improving your self-image. George Bernard Shaw one time pointed out that people are always blaming circumstances for what they are is that I don’t believe in circumstances that people get on in this world are the people get up. They make them. That’s what this program is going to help you do. I like the way Napoleon put one time.
He said circumstances shall I make them know the degree to which you improve your image of yourself will be in exact proportion to the amount of truth. You can honestly accept and the amount of positive change you engineer in your new self-image of winters image now look at the bottom of page 7 you’re going to see a drawing there that I have become very familiar with and I shared with hundreds of thousands of people on all corners of the earth.
When we think we think in images we’ve already covered that when you thought of your home and image came in your mind that when you thought of your automobile image came to your mind.
Now think of your mind. You see, when most people think of their mind if they get a picture at all. They get a picture of their brain, but the brain is never mine anymore. Their fingernail is mind is movement and body is the manifestation of that movement. I often mentioned that the brain cannot think we think with the brain but the brain cannot think and to clarify that I point out that it’s reported that Albert Einstein’s brain in a jar down New Jersey but it’s not doing anyone any good because Elbert is not with it.
You see, you are a nonphysical being that perfection within you, and you activate brain cells that will bring pictures on your mind.
So what were going to do since no one has ever seen the mind work to use this diagram were going to let that large circle represent the mind. Small circle represent the body of the body as an instrument of the mind were to take the mind and just separated into two parts. Now see her head as being your mind what an imaginary line right across the center of your head. Everything from that line to the top of your head will represent your conscious mind and then from the line to the bottom of your head are going to let that represent your subconscious mind is your subconscious mind this literally controlling your body at your conscious mind.
Most people don’t know that you’re going understand it very clearly. By the time you finish this program now in the conscious mind.
We think we have all kinds of beautiful thoughts together all kinds of marvelous information and we can repeatedly say I know that but if you ever noticed that most people know how to do a better job than they’re doing their actions and what they now are not in sync. Salespeople know how to sell that does mean they’re going to sell students know how to study, but that doesn’t mean they’re going to study what we know is one thing, what were doing is another thing.
Our actions are being controlled by the self-image, which is lodged deep in our subconscious mind is made up of all kinds of habit patterns. That’s the part were going to focus on changing let’s take her attention off the stick person. That’s all I refer to this drawing and will run the page 9 you’ll notice at the top of page 9.
We’ve emphasized a common error and I’m gonna tell you this is a common error is one I make and I’ve been studying this for 30 years is one you probably make many times every day. Some people are always making this error as a matter of fact, they constantly live with their back to the bottom of page 7.
Again, you notice how the actions determine the results in the self-image control the actions now take a look at page 9. Let’s focus on the top paragraph were pointing out here that you may know people who were continually struggling to improve could be the salesperson who sales are low and there always struggling to raise the sales but without success.
They may be a student marks are always at a sea level. The salesperson knows how to sell more, but they don’t seem to be able to do it. The student knows how to get a higher mark but they don’t seem to be able to do it seems like they’re wired to these results are getting many of these people broke the never look overly happy, constantly in death.
Why can’t they improve. Now let’s analyze the situation and discover this common error. These people are trying desperately to change their and results. Now what we mean by and results. Now it could be yet. Could your relationships. Could your state of health. It could be a position at work. It could be the amount of money you’re running the people are trying desperately to change that.
What they don’t understand is that the results in their lives are being determined by their actions and their actions are continually being motivated by their self-image. They have not yet come to understand that their results are a direct reflection of this image that is lodged deep in their subconscious mind. It’s got nothing to do with what they know you’re well aware that some of the smartest people in the world are also some of the poorest and some of the unhappiest nothing to do with the amount of knowledge they have.
Unfortunately in our society we award degrees to people based on what they know not what they do. That’s unfortunate, but it’s true will really change, that your life and in my life. These people are clutched by an unseen enemy because there is no understanding of self-image, which is actually the cause of their results. The whole universe operates in an orderly way, and one of the laws of the universe is the law of cause and effect.
With all the books, programs, articles, events, blogs, podcasts, movies and life coaches out there — it can be hard to know the best action for improving your life … and no wonder so many people are stuck. The best part? While applying other things can give you temporary change — improving your self image produces lasting results.
Self-image deals with everything from our weight to our fulfillment to our annual income to our personal relationships. Until you understand this, you are dealing with an unseen enemy. Without THIS change, very little will ever change in your life! Our self-image can be likened to a thermostat or autopilot on a plane — even if it operates automatically or unconsciously in just one area of your life, its power will affect all facets of your life.
Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Marilyne Woodsmall — The Mind Coach. Igor Ledochowski — Hypnotic Journeys. Dream Frontiers — 60min Enlightenedaudio. Gary M. Jason Capital — Power Switch. Joy Martina — Angel Meditation. Remember me Log in. Lost your password? Add to wishlist. Delivery: The download link will send to your email after successful payment. Shefali Tsabary — Conscious Parenting Mastery.
Remember me Log in. Lost your password? Bob Proctor — The Winners Image quantity. Description Reviews 0. How useful was this product? Click on a star to rate it! Reviews There are no reviews yet. Quick View.
Сьюзан вздохнула: – Программа принимает ключ только в цифровой форме. Мне кажется, что тут содержится некий намек на то, что это за цифра. В тексте названы Хиросима и Нагасаки, города, разрушенные атомными бомбами. Может быть, ключ связан с количеством человеческих жертв, оценочной суммой нанесенного ущерба в долларах… – Она замолчала, снова вчитываясь в текст.
А пока сваливай-ка ты отсюда домой. Сегодня же суббота. Найди себе какого-нибудь парня да развлекись с ним как следует. Она снова вздохнула.
В перерывах между сигналами Сьюзан выкрикнула: – Ты – Северная Дакота, Энсей Танкадо передал тебе копию ключа. Он нужен мне немедленно. – Ты сошла с ума! – крикнул в ответ Хейл.
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AdDiscover Photos and Illustrations Found Nowhere Else. Completely Exclusive. Only at RF! Unleash Your Creativity Without Budget and Content Limits. Unlimited replace.me: Photos, Vectors, Illustrations, Editorial, Footage, Music, Sound effects. Ad6-Week Audio Program by Bob Proctor & Mary Morrissey. You Are Far More Powerful Than You Ever Dreamed Possible. WebBob Proctor – The Winners Image. The Winners Image is based on one of the most . WebBob Proctor – The Winners Image $ $ Delivery: The download link will .
Ad6-Week Audio Program by Bob Proctor & Mary Morrissey. You Are Far More Powerful Than You Ever Dreamed Possible. WebBob Proctor – The Winners Image. The Winners Image is based on one of the most . AdDiscover Photos and Illustrations Found Nowhere Else. Completely Exclusive. Only at RF! Unleash Your Creativity Without Budget and Content Limits. Unlimited replace.me: Photos, Vectors, Illustrations, Editorial, Footage, Music, Sound effects.
AdDiscover Photos and Illustrations Found Nowhere Else. Completely Exclusive. Only at RF! Unleash Your Creativity Without Budget and Content Limits. Unlimited replace.me: Photos, Vectors, Illustrations, Editorial, Footage, Music, Sound effects. WebBob Proctor – The Winners Image. The Winners Image is based on one of the most . WebBob Proctor – The Winners Image $ $ Delivery: The download link will .
Self-image deals with everything from our weight to our fulfillment to our annual income to our personal relationships. Until you understand this, you are dealing with an unseen enemy. Without THIS change, very little will ever change in your life! Our self-image can be likened to a thermostat or autopilot on a plane — even if it operates automatically or unconsciously in just one area of your life, its power will affect all facets of your life.
More courses from the same author: Bob Proctor. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It may take a little while to do these exercises but you’re going to find that the results will change virtually overnight. Now bring your attention to the bottom of page We have a highly successful person has a winners image rooted in every molecule of their being remember where we pointed out that mind is movement bodies, the manifestation of that movement as you sink that winners image in your subconscious mind.
It affects every part of your body and your behaviors going to begin to change your going to start to form winning actions and you’re going to get the results you choose. Now let’s get into the point of how do we create that winners image well if you go over to page 19 were going to get into the basics. The basics of building a winners image. There you see a three point program fantasy theory and fact there are two phases, which must be completed in the process of building a new self-image, a winners image which will cause you to think like a winner feel like a winner.
Act like a winner be a winner, you must personally what each of these phases through two tests. If each phase does not pass the test, you could very easily sell yourself short and not properly complete each phase. Go to the top of page There were talk about phase 1, the fantasy everything that is ever been accomplished by anyone was at first and for a time fantasy the facts the phone air travel.
They run fantasies long before they became realities. Thomas Edison fantasize and illuminated the entire world. Alexander Graham Bell fantasize connected us all together. The Wright brothers fantasize and they brought us closer together they caused our perception of the world to shrink.
Everything begins with the fantasy. The cassette tape that you’re listening to. I can remember when it was a fantasy it was in my lifetime that that change.
The first step calls for you to do the same as they did and choose your fantasy pick a highly successful person you admire and you can emulate. It could pick someone you know or possibly someone you read about who lives the way you dream of living use them as a model to help you mentally build your fantasy.
Now a lot of people are going to tell you this is crazy, you know, fantasizing like that wanted to get on with your life. Those people are going anywhere will follow them. Listen to these instructions. I’ve often mentioned that I got license to brag about all these ideas. None of them are mine. I just pick them up from winners of the past, but I have put them to work and they work beautifully.
My life is changed dramatically from it and I’ve done what I’m suggesting you do right now. As a matter of fact I’m continually doing it made six people who are doing what you would like to do or who are living as you would like to live sex and you get those down as the various aspects of their lives that appeal to you and mentally put yourself in their position be afraid to do this just sit back and relax and let your mind take off as you do this be aware that you can see with your inner eye, beautiful vision with yourself and fantasies are created in your conscious mind through the gate of your imagination.
Imagination Napoleon Hill said the imagination is the most marvelous, miraculous, inconceivably powerful force that the world is ever known, and anything that we have ever accomplished we accomplish first and foremost with her imagination. It began as a fantasy. So sit back and relax at your imagination take off. It’s very important that your fantasy or image be complete as much detail as possible. You could feel this is a foolish waste of time doing anyway not let this fantasy.
Building your mind make it absolutely beautiful begin to see yourself happy, healthy, wealthy, all the money you need should be a make an adventure should never be a bore if you want to change your life and make it a real interesting journey. This is where it began.
So don’t be afraid to build the fantasy. I get it going really well. Here’s a few questions that you could ask yourself about the winners that we’ve already named these are answers that are going to help you build your fantasy, how they dress what they study they manage their time with the associate with how they meet great people. You and others view them what income bracket are they in what is their personal life like what is their home life like what kind of automobile do they drive this service oriented person.
Are they recognized in their industry. Some more questions of your own and apply them. When you’ve done that, and you have your fantasy built pink with words. The vision you see, make a detailed written description of your fantasy begin. This is my fantasy. I am so happy now that I am. Let me repeat on the top line begin by writing.
Here were going to be testing your fantasy. If you are not well read in the area of mind dynamics or the creative process. These various exercises could appear to be ridiculous. Nevertheless, they do work and they will work for you. You are building a winners image which will enable you to live the life you’ve only been dreaming about to turn your fantasy into a theory which is the next step requires a shift in your attitude, you must begin getting serious conscious thought to your fantasy of this is not a game that your life you’re working with.
Am I able to good question. Are you able to live your life in the manner with your fantasy suggests a large impact in one of these box down yes or no.
Whatever you think this is the point in life where every winter has separated themselves from the math facts or circumstances clearly indicated they could not win, referring to the present results in their life.
The results were controlled by their full self-image. However, the winners have ignored the facts and turn all of their conscious attention to their fantasy that is real in their mind. It turned into a theory that vision was so stimulating that they would only think of how they could live there was no room in their mind or thoughts of why they couldn’t and they became willing to do what ever was required.
Theory into a new set of facts in their life. You are able. Definitely able. There is no one alive who can even gas with any accuracy. At the magnitude of your potential, your spiritual being for you. All things are possible. You may not believe that if you haven’t studied this in depth. Take my word for you got nothing to lose. As I’ve often mentioned, if you don’t like it will refund your misery. Now the next question is truly the only question you need to ask yourself about attaining a winners image not question his outline for you on the top of page 27 flip over that page and let’s work here for a little while because you’re gonna have to ask yourself some good questions here.
The first one is am I willing. This is the only question of any real importance, which requires an answer to make your fantasy into a theory. Are you willing to make sizable investments in yourself and I can personally admit I phone all over the world I’ve attended. I don’t know how many seminars I have thousands of dollars invested in programs of this nature, and every one of them have paid me great dividends.
Losers are not willing to do that. Are you willing to make sizable investments in yourself. Now this is not only an investment of money is going to be investment in time are you willing to invest the time in the exercises in this program. Are you willing to go where you have to go. I have found it necessary to move to a couple different continents in a number of different cities to turn my images into reality.
Some people don’t want to know are you willing to go where you have to go. Are you willing to do what you have to do remember you gotta do what’s required.
Are you willing to change what you have to change you may have to change your personal appearance. You may have to change the mood swings that you experience. You may have to change the way you approach people the way you treat some of your peers. Are you willing to let go of what has to go. Remember, nature abhors a vacuum.
If you’re going to get something new. You’ve got to create a space for it. You’ve got let go of that old image before there’s any room for the new image are you willing to move her you have to move. Are you willing to study what must be studied.
Are you willing to take direction when it is required to see a person could never be an effective leader. If they’re not an effective follower. He went back again in and he failed again but he never let his failures affect him as a person. He didn’t see himself as a failure. He does realize the way that he couldn’t get up the mountain. He went back again in in so far as we know, in Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norte were the first to ever get to the top of the mountain and back down alive.
Are you willing to experience failures like that. I’ve got to be me, but the many I think my wife thinks I should be not to me that I think maybe you think I should be not to me that I think my children think I should be no if I want to be free. I’ve got to be me. Are you willing to possibly even accept, ridicule, humiliation and rejection as a part of the price to win every winter will tell you that they received ridicule they been humiliated.
They been rejected but they were willing to accept that as a price of letting your answer is yes to this question is something yes I am willing you are on your way to being a winner is not supply law follow tested many times every day the women life is not easy.
It’s simple but not easy and requires rigorous honesty and a very dumb moment to answer the question about your willing your fantasy. You are now ready to turn your theory into a whole new set of positive in your life. Congratulations and let’s this last of three tapes is designed to firmly implant the winners image system in your mind, let’s start by quickly reviewing what we have done.
You have created in detail of fantasy composite of your new self-image that you affirm that you are capable of living your life in the manner with your fantasy suggests, and you have confirmed your willingness to work at transforming your fantasy into your new self-image objective now is to deeply plant and route the vision of your winners image in your subconscious mind and keep nourishing it positive input until your winners image Russell’s control of your life away from your old self-image.
This winners image system has a daily program to assist you in achieving your winners image turnover on the page Take a look at the drawing at the top of the page there graphically illustrated for you what we have just covered. You build the winners image. Now your old self-image is still in control of your subconscious mind, but the system were laying out for you here will change.
That is a beautiful quote by Leland Gelfand of all whom I consider my teacher at the bottom of page 31 and is a quote I think that we should focus on as we move on to our five-point program.
He said doing at once. What needs to be done will ensure the possibility of success. Take a look at the top of page There were talking about the daily five-point program for materializing a winners image number one, relax, allocate 20 minutes three times every morning, noon, evening like yourself totally relax. Clear your mind and visualize yourself living your dream to change completely review how you have been living decide what changes must be made to become the person you have.
Visualize yourself being in your new image and change them. Number three. Watch your videotape of the winners image at least once every day for 90 days.
Being aware of how much more you retain the message every time you watch it number 4 Lesson Pl. The three audiocassettes from a winners image in your automobile, clear your car of all other cassettes play these cassettes constantly, every time you’re in your car for the next 90 days. Number five, communicate, make a list of 15 winners you respect and would like to socialize with phone one every day to say hello and ask if there’s any way you can help them. You will be speaking every one of them twice a month as Bedwell said you only have to do something until you want to and then you don’t have to anymore.
No turnover on the page 35 there were going to make a detailed description of yourself as a winner. Know this may appear to you is if it’s the same exercise you completed on page It is similar but it is definitely not the same. Just on page You are making a written description of your fantasy. Remember, we’ve had a change in attitude we shifted our way of thinking and we took the fantasy and we turned it into a theory.
Now it’s a dream and were at the point now where we wanted to move into results. This written description of yourself must be in the present tense. Everything begins on a mental level before it manifests in physical results as you make this written description you are impregnating your winners image into cells in your brain, rewrite this image weekly.
You will find it will keep improving every time you write it, begin by writing. I am so happy now that I am not trusting that you have completed making a written description of your dreams, your theory, and as you write that you let it soak into every cell of your being.
Each time you write it you love it. Now were going to turn over on the page 37 and we will discuss each one of these five points little greater depth so that you will have a better understanding of why I am suggesting what I’m suggesting for each one of these steps number one relax.
This exercise is vitally important real with our highly results oriented individuals and always have a number of projects going at the same time they accomplish more in a week that most people would accomplish in a month or possibly even a year. They carry out their duties in a very calm, confident, relaxed manner. Relaxation is not something winners try to do is the way they are your subconscious mind is programmed to keep them in a relaxed state creative energy flows freely through the mind and body.
That is, relax, dynamic, creative, result oriented ideas are built with creative energy. When you have let your self move into a totally relaxed state mentally throw the electrical switch in your brain that permits the winners image to move on to the screen of your mind. This is the image you chose to create and that you described on page See yourself winning in every way make it real.
Make in the present tense with that winners image dominate your mind you are that person. The more often you practice this exercise, the more it will take root. Eventually it will dominate your mind all of the time you are than the winner intellectually, spiritually and physically. Habits are formed by repeatedly getting emotionally involved with specific ideas to let yourself relax.
I’m going to suggest you find a particular place in your home or you’re very comfortable. Let your body sink into the chair worth your laying down. Just let your body sink into the floor mentally visualize a beautiful energy flowing in through the crown of your head and circulating through your body know you do not try to relax you let yourself relax and let all of the tension leave your body if you find you are having difficulty with this.
Give our office a call and we have tapes on relaxation. There will be glad to see that you get one for you to successfully form the habit of living a relaxed, creative life, you must property complete this exercise three times a day, every day for 90 days and as you do this you’re going to find that you will get into the habit of being relaxed regardless of the circumstance winners are relaxed beings.
Delivery: The download link will send to your email after successful payment. If download link has problem, let me know via email , we will re-send link within hours. You look back and remember looking forward to Friday and dreading Monday. Stuck is stuck. Started each day free from all financial concerns. Spent your time with positive, productive and creative people.
Walked into a room full of strangers and instantly turned them into friends. Really believed how incredible you are, rather than being your own worst critic. Saw mistakes as valuable lessons instead of failures. Were living your most authentic, happy and joy filled life. Well, look no further — this is it. Use this multi-faceted imaging concept in school, work, and relationships.